Weakness Revealed

What is your greatest weakness? Mine is probably impatience. I mean also arrogance, and quickness to anger, surely selfishness, maybe an inability to understand things from the other person’s point of view, probably an unwillingness to commit to anything that requires making difficult decisions, plus a tendency to sorrow and self-pity and an even greater tendency to indulge that sorrow and self-pity in ways that make it difficult to be around me for the people who are unfortunate enough to have to be in such a position. I’m pretty pessimistic too. I don’t take enough time to listen. I’m dismissive of anyone who I don’t feel operates at the same pace that I do. I rarely reach out to people I know are hurting or need help. I’m unduly harsh. I get irritated quickly and I would rather not participate in something altogether than be forced to take part in a situation where I am not in control. I am the last person anyone else should count on for help in an emergency and yet I am deeply offended if friends turn to someone else first in a difficult situation. My desire for approval is only surpassed by my disgust with approval-seeking behavior in others. I have a hard time pretending to be interested in conversations that do not pertain to me or topics I find engaging. I sweat fairly profusely even in the colder months. I don’t offer to get anyone something when I am running out to get something for myself. I leave places without saying goodbye and I don’t send thank you notes to my hosts after events to which they have invited me. I do not in general say thank you. I am ungrateful even in situations where I am being awarded things I have asked for. My high opinion of myself has not been borne out by any actual achievement or praise, even the insincere sort, yet it only inflates with each passing year. I feel debilitated by the misfortunes of others but never to the extent that I will do anything to help alleviate them. I give nothing of myself to anyone else. I snore. But mostly I think the impatience thing is the worst weakness I have. In that way I am a lot like presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Which sounds about right given our similar levels of accomplishment. What’s your greatest weakness? Tell us in the comments or on social media! I mean, I won’t be listening because what do I care about you? But go ahead anyway, I’m sure someone wants to know.