Movie, You, Old

Do you want to feel old? Look in the mirror. Study your face. Not the lines, although lines you have plenty and you can already see the places where more are soon to show. Not the fatigue under the eyes; that could be from anything, not just from years of living recklessly and without thought for the future, ignoring all sensible decisions as the seconds passed by so silently you never noticed. No, look directly into your eyes. When you stare deeply do you see anything staring back? You do not. You see darkness, a void so black and endless that it stretches into a past before time itself began. Your old dead soul has existed as long as the universe has existed. You are as ancient as anything that has ever walked this earth. You are the living dead, jerking about like some scary articulated dummy that should be stilled forever. Your vacant gaze tells the story of your wizened, corrupted spirit, a spirit that has outpaced chronology itself. Also the Brokeback Mountain movie came out ten years ago, so if you were waiting until the buzz died down to see it in the theatre you might have missed your chance. Also, you’re old.