Moments from True Detective Season 2 Episode 6, Ranked

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10. Detective says, “These contracts… there are signatures all over them.”

9. Man tells son, “I will always love you.” Son: “K.”

8. Man says, “That’s one off the bucket list: a Mexican standoff with actual Mexicans.”

7. Man tells ex-wife’s rapist, “You have no idea what you cost me.”

6. Man says to another man he’s threatening, without a trace of irony, to “see if I’m whistling Dixie.”

5. Woman tells another woman, “I just don’t understand why you work so hard to be alone.”

4. Man says of ex-wife’s rape, “You used my wife’s fucking tragedy to get me to do something.” The pun is unintended.

3. Following a tense supervised visit, man proves he is a fit parent by snorting so much cocaine and drinking so much liquor that he tears open his own shirt to feel his heart, then calls his ex-wife, who he is battling for custody, to tell her that “she wins.”

2. Man tells ex-wife to never, under any circumstances, tell their son about the time she was raped because he “shouldn’t have to know.”

1. The cause of the chip on a woman’s shoulder turns out to be that she was, of course, sexually abused as a child.