Did You See A Movie This Weekend?

“Relish Mix points out that on social media, Marvel and Disney flooded the web with over 30 Ant-Man trailers and clips, but fans haven’t been reposting at Furious 7 rates. The 10 to 1 video repost rate is moderate per the social media tracking firm. Ant-Man‘s social media universe counts 106M comprised of 92M YouTube view activity, 8.1M Facebook video views and 5.4M Twitter reach. The film’s FB counts 528K likes. Among the stars, Rudd doesn’t have a presence on social media. The guys with the biggest footprint are much older: Michael Douglas counts 1.4M Facebook fans, while Stan Lee has 4.7M. #AntMan Twitter hashtags popped last week during the London Premiere to 9k and began resurfacing to the 8K range before the pic’s previews last Thursday.”