Customer Supported


After Uber crushed the De Blasio administration when it feebly attempted to halt the service’s explosive growth in New York City, a customer wrote to the company to ask about the F U T U R E. Fortunately, customer service representatives are standing by to answer any of your questions and concerns about the machines or, presumably, anything else.

The full email exchange below.

M (Uber)
Jul 25, 10:18


Thanks for writing in. I know this may be a concern but not right now. The important thing is providing jobs for people who needs it the most in this industry. It may take a while before automated cars become a standard.

If you have more questions, I’m here to answer any you might have.


Jul 23, 11:14

What will happen the “10,000” jobs created when all cars become automated?

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 1:52 PM, Uber NYC wrote:

Your voice was heard and it made a difference.

We want to thank you for your support in keeping Uber — and NYC — moving.

As NYC Deputy Mayor Shorris said, we have “agreed to maintain [our] approximate current rate of growth” and we look forward to welcoming thousands of new driver partners onto our platform to support the 100,000 new riders trying Uber in New York City each month for the first time.

The terms of the agreement with Mayor de Blasio’s administration and the City Council are to collaborate on a transportation study, and work together on ways to continue expanding economic opportunity, mobility, and transportation access across the city. New drivers will continue to be able to join the for-hire industry, and partner with Uber.

This is great news for all New Yorkers, including Uber riders and drivers. Your voice made it possible.


49,239 emails were sent to City Hall and the City Council


18,623 people made their voice heard on Twitter. In the last 24 hours alone 9,292 people tweeted using the hashtag #UberMovesNYC

New Riders

Over 35,000 New Yorkers signed up as a new Uber rider over the past 7 days, setting a new record in NYC

We’d also like to thank all the elected officials who opposed the proposed cap legislation:
NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo, NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer, US Congressman Hakeem Jeffries, US Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, Bronx Borough President Rubén Díaz Jr., State Senator Adriano Espaillat, State Senator Rubén Díaz Sr., State Assemblyman Michael Blake, State Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, State Assemblyman Luis Sepúlveda, State Assemblyman José Rivera, State Assemblyman Victor Pichardo, City Council Member Antonio Reynoso, City Council Member Robert Cornegy, City Council Member Annabel Palma, City Council Member Andy King, City Council Member Ben Kallos, City Council Member Eric Ulrich, City Council Member Fernando Cabrera, City Council Member Dan Garodnick, City Council Member Vanessa Gibson, City Council Member Maria del Carmen Arroyo, City Council Member Steve Matteo, City Council Member Inez Dickens

Uber Technologies Inc.
1455 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94103