You're Doing Email Wrong (If You're Still Doing Email)

“Don’t sign off at all. With the rise of Slack and other office chatting software, e-mail has begun functioning more like instant messaging anyway. ‘Texting has made e-mail even more informal than it is,’ Pachter says. In conversations with people we know, complimentary closings have started to disappear. Tacking a best onto the end of an e-mail can read as archaic, like a mom-style voice mail. Signoffs interrupt the flow of a conversation, anyway, and that’s what e-mail is. ‘When you put the closing, it feels disingenuous or self-conscious each time,’ Danzico argues. ‘It’s not reflective of the normal way we have conversation.’ She ends all her e-mails, including professional ones, with the period on the last sentence — no signoff, no name, just a blank white screen.”