Ire Inspired

“When it comes to male midlife crises, the flashy sports car is old hat — at least to some New York men, for whom a skateboard is the preferred vehicle for recapturing one’s youth. (In Therien’s case, it’s black, with a rainbow underbelly.) ‘I’m a suit — on a skateboard,” he says, explaining his appeal to the opposite sex. ‘Women like anything that’s unusual — and this is edgy without being over-the-top.’ Therien, who skateboarded as a kid, recently picked it up again as a convenient way to get around town. He estimates that he chats up two to three ladies a day thanks to his ride, and he even plans to launch a blog, ‘Dapper Deck,’ that chronicles both his sartorial and sporty aspirations.”
— I find the older I get the more I admire the classic approach certain publications display in giving a gigantic middle finger to their readers and the public at large. There’s almost an elegance to it. Anyway, this is first class.