Every New Yorker's Worst Nightmare, Ranked

22. Trapped on elevator
21. Trapped underground in subway
20. Trapped under river in subway
19. Struck by bike messenger
18. Exploding manhole
17. Electrocuted by stray voltage
16. Caught in scaffolding collapse
15. Crane collapse
14. Struck by flying tree limb in storm
13. Struck by falling glass/ice/plywood
12. Struck by falling air conditioner
11. Falling through open sidewalk grate
10. Aging sidewalk grate gives way
9. Balcony gives way
8. Crushed by falling concrete from subway platform ceiling
7. Falling onto tracks of subway
6. Falling between cars of subway
5. Walking into empty elevator shaft
4. Sliced in half by elevator
3. Caught in tunnel during flood/having to go to New Jersey
2. Bridge collapse
1. Priced out of apartment