Things To Have Named After You, In Order Of Difficulty

by Eric Spiegelman

51. a Wi-Fi network
50. a star
49. an online publication
48. your son
47. your daughter
46. your company
45. your band
44. an autobiography
43. a public square in Los Angeles
42. a burger, drink, salad or sandwich at a Los Angeles restaurant
41. a scholarship
40. an award
39. a folly
38. a lunar crater
37. a hospital wing
36. a biography
35. a public park
34. a library
33. a high school
32. an expressway
31. an airport
30. a disease
29. a television series
28. a steamboat
27. a sports move
26. a generic item of clothing
25. fauna
24. flora
23. a comet
22. a musical instrument
21. a weapon
20. a medical procedure
19. a part of the human body
18. a public square in a European city
17. an “ism”
16. an adjective
15. a mountain
14. a bay
13. a river
12. a public holiday
11. an adage
10. a theorem
9. a law of physics
8. a unit of measurement
7. a chess opening
6. a slang word for money
5. a disreputable profession
4. a dynasty
3. a religious sect
2. a city
1. a month

Photo of Rosetta, a comet, courtesy of the European Space Agency