New York City, May 28, 2015

weather review sky 052815

★★★★ The middle distance was surprisingly murky. Clouds kept the heat off the soggy-aired morning for a while. Then things brightened and warmed up into a pleasantly blinding, pleasantly crushing heat. The stillness was good to be out in, inert on a padded roof chair, the buildings blue-faded versions of themselves. The scattered blue was so intense that the shadows on red chairs were purple. The mobile phone was almost too dim to read and almost too hot to hold, and both facts seemed worth attending to. Another commute under menacing skies led to a view of a peaceable blue-and-white-streaked west and to a wavering shadow on the kitchen wall where full sun passed through the heat of a burner. The blue and white streaks turned blue and pink, sending a pink glow into the apartment and pinkening the scenery outside.