Synonyms for the Current Economy, Ranked


26. The bubble economy
25. The digital capital economy
24. The sharing economy
23. The 1099 economy
22. The disruption economy
21. The post-post-capital economy
20. The contract-worker economy
19. The part-time economy
18. The freelance economy
17. The Uber economy
16. The app economy
15. The API economy
14. The gig economy
13. The on-demand economy
12. The middleman econonmy
11. The transitional economy
10. The de-formalized economy
9. The flexible economy
8. The logistics economy
7. The algo(rithm) economy
6. The post-employment economy
5. The servant economy
4. The optimized economy
3. The disintermediated economy
2. The pre-post-human economy
1. The perfect economy

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