More Excuses For Internet Terribleness

“On TV, when one program ends, another starts, and users accept that experience. The Internet started as a newspaper, but now it’s turning into TV,” says a guy who is explaining why pretty soon every video you see on the web will auto-play. Also sometimes video “has something incredibly powerful to communicate,” says another guy, so why not start it without letting the user decide? It’s all about improving your experience anyway, right? I mean, that is generally the way we try to excuse the erosion of standards. I guess if you want to look on the bright side it’s that people still feel like they have to pretend they are doing this for reasons in addition to the money. So sure, it’s about storytelling. I mean, whatever, much like the planet the Internet is way past the the point of saving, what difference does it make how much garbage you chuck up to the top of the pile anymore?