What Are You Going To Be Blamed For By The Future?

“In 2115, when our descendants look back at our society, what will they condemn as our greatest moral failing?”
 — My guess would be either eating animals or being so wrapped up in trash television that we couldn’t just see the actual episodes, we had to have talk shows appearing immediately after the program in which what we just watched was analyzed by C-list celebrities and whoever else happened to be free that evening. But this also assumes that there will still be a society around in 2115 to look back with derision on our foolish 21st century choices. My sense is that there will not be, because we will have destroyed it all by then. That’s right, suck it, you self-righteous pricks of 2115! We’re going to fuck it all up forever before you get a chance to cast aspersions on us! WHO’S MORALLY SUPERIOR NOW? What? You don’t have time to answer me because you’re busy running from fires and killer robots in your resource-scarce hellhole of a post-apocalyptic environment? Oh well.