Errors, "Slow Rotor"

Errors’ Lease of Life is out now and this track will give you a pretty good indication of whether or not you’ll like the album. They’re on Mogwai’s label if that moves the needle for you one way or the other. I like it: There are so many different sounds here that remind me of other things that the whole winds up being something both familiar and new at the same time. Of course, maybe these sounds frighten or scare you, or anger you in some way you cannot quite identify, bringing to the surface emotions you try so hard to keep tamped down inside your dark heart each day. Music is funny like that. You never know what it’s going to do to you. Anyway, if this song does not make you want to hurt people because, as previously discussed, it liberates the rage you expend so much energy in containing, enjoy. But if it is a problem, probably best not to play it.