Carly Rae Jepsen, "I Really Like You"

According to the seasonal patterns of the broken prediction market known colloquially as the “music industry,” now is the time to make bets on summer songs. The odds are never good, not even for proven quantities, but the potential payoff is huge. It is worth it, in other words, to be so rude as to release an aggressively sunny song at the exact moment the American (Canadian?) public reaches its collective emotional trough. It is far too early for this song to have its maximum effect or to be heard remotely as intended; we will hear it again in a few months, with the sound of the straining AC in the background, and it may make more sense. Or maybe we’ll never hear it again! Either way, now is not the time. Our edgy delirium is, as always, on clearest display in the YouTube comments:

Yes, mash those buttons and fill those word holes, internet. Just a few more weeks. Just a few more weeks.