New D'Angelo Record Offers Brief Respite From How Bad Everything Is Now

Young people today will refuse to believe you if you try to tell them about the way things were back in 2000: The Republicans had yet to break America, you could have a conversation with someone during which they would look you in the eye rather than staring down at the candy they were crushing on their phone, people took more pride in discussing the book they had recently read than the meal they had recently eaten and if you wanted to send someone a picture of your penis you needed to set aside two hours of studio time and a couple of weeks to get the film developed. Even though we did not realize it then, it was a golden age. It was also the last time D’Angelo had a new record out. Coincidence? We’ll see, because as you may have heard, he has a new one available RIGHT NOW. If 2015 is suddenly a year of joy, peace and people being even marginally less horrible about everything then I guess we know who to thank.