Illusions Shuffled

Business Insider, December 10th:

Instagram has announced that it has officially reached 300 million active users, making it larger than Twitter.

Business Insider, December 16th:

Data provided to Business Insider from social media analytics company Socialbakers shows Instagram is not only gaining traction in sheer numbers of users, but posts from the biggest brands on the photo app are receiving almost 50 times more engagement (at the highest level) too. More users and more engagement? It’s easy to guess which medium advertisers will prefer.

Business Insider, December 18th:

As Instagram’s crackdown on spam begins, distraught users have been begging the company to stop eliminating accounts.
Meanwhile, celebrity accounts have taken the biggest hit.

Popular Instagrammers like Kendall and Kylie Jenner have lost hundreds of thousands of followers, and many celebs have lost millions.

Business Insider, December 19th:

Instagram is a $35 billion business, according to Citi analyst Mark May.

Mark Zuckerberg gained wide attention for paying what now seems to be a paltry sum of $1 billion for the service back in April 2012.

You ask:
What is a user,
and engagement, too?
And how do these concepts relate
to the concept of money?
The answers you seek,
are just out of sight
A little further up
and to the right