You Don't Know Jack About Multiple Sclerosis (MS)

by Awl Sponsors

You Don’t Know Jack About MSTM was created for people living with multiple sclerosis (MS) and their loved ones by Jack Osbourne, in partnership with Teva Neuroscience. The vision was to start a new conversation about MS ­ to dispel myths, educate and help patients manage their disease. To bring a personal connection to the program, Jack shares his journey and experience with MS to emphasize the importance of patient and family support and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

As part of You Don’t Know Jack About MSTM, Jack and Teva created online documentary series, webisodes, to show people that while relapsing­remitting multiple sclerosisn (RRMS) is a part of his life, it’s not controlling his life.

Watch the full webisodes, learn more about MS and discover additional resources to help manage the disease at
