We Chased Another Woman Off Twitter, Good Job Everyone

@chrissyteigen twitter is a double edged sword. You can tweet jokes that aren’t jokes and other people can tweet what they want as well.

— Adrian Arriaga (@aidansdaddy619) October 23, 2014

Utah-born writer and model Christine Teigen (also the spouse of John Legend) is leading the way off Twitter because you’re all really stupid, possibly illiterate, and have no impulse control. We encourage you to follow her. No not “follow” her on social media. Follow her off social media. Oh yes, her evil crime?

active shooting in Canada, or as we call it in america, wednesday

— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) October 22, 2014

Uh huh? Accurate. Anyway, she gave it a good college try, engaging with enraged loons for as long as possible. This was particularly deft:

Wait so now I’ll seem smarter in a swimsuit god this is confusing RT @jeg_28 Stick with the swimsuits. You’ll seem smarter.

— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) October 22, 2014

But we all know how this story ends: with a stupid “balanced” write-up in a newspaper. Sad times!