Attention Artists, Designers and Creators

by Awl Sponsors

It’s tough out there for working artists today. Finding the funding, resources and mentorship to realize your passion projects can feel overwhelming. Well, here’s your opportunity. THE SPACE is a non-profit organization that provides artists with substantial funding, allowing them to bring their digital art ideas to fruition. They’re looking for talented artists from all disciplines to submit proposals for their dream projects.


THE SPACE provides the opportunity for you to get genuine funding for that one crazy project you could never quite fit in your schedule. Like when John Cale of The Velvet Underground got funding to create an orchestra of flying drones. Or when musical pioneer John Peel got the time to create a virtually accessible archive of his massive record collection. Nothing’s off limits, this is about pushing the limit. The best part? You retain all rights to your project.


It’s easy. Simply submit a short description of your idea through THE SPACE Open Call, which runs from October 10th to November 14th 2014.

We only ask, that the project can live on the internet and be accessed on mobile and tablet devices. The art projects can take their point of departure in any artistic discipline, from music and film to visual arts and gaming.

The best projects will be shortlisted and the winners will be announced February 2015. So what are you waiting for? Submit your proposal today. and join the conversation at on twitter using the #TheSpaceOC hashtag.