National Geographic Is Calling All Modern Day Explorers

by Awl Sponsors

Brought to you by National Geographic

Whether you prefer to explore in the outback or under a microscope, National Geographic is looking for the next generation of explorers in any field to submit their dream project for “Expedition Granted,” where one person’s proposed expedition will be fueled by $50,000.

Check out this video featuring Brain Games host Jason Silva, who shows you how to submit your big idea at Whether your goal is to secure a future for captive wildlife or bring music lessons to those who can’t afford them, National Geographic and their incredible advisory council want to see your vision.

To see other innovative project ideas that have already been submitted, head over to, where you can vote for your favorite finalist from September 16–29 to help them win the $50,000! This nationwide competition was developed in partnership with National Geographic, 21st Century FOX and sponsors the Jeep brand and Dos Equis.