Do You Have a Question for Evelyn Everlady?

There are few things I hate in this world more than unsolved mysteries. (SURE, EVEN, YES, WHERE IS THAT PLANE?) To that end, we have left you hanging regarding resolution of the tales of Evelyn Everlady, a woman in New York City who once had the worst boyfriend in the world ever, and who brought us the unfortunately now-real phrase Negroni Season. (As well as the tale of Hank the dog and the chilling story of Foxwoods.)

Next week she’s going to bring us up to speed, answering all my questions — but also yours, if you like! If you have any questions for her, you can leave them here, or shoot them to [email protected], and we will put them to her. I can tell you in advance that the terrible story of the worst boyfriend in the world… takes an even more terrible turn. Men! Can’t execute them all, can’t ban them from society entirely. Or can you.

Screenshot of Shutterstock search results for “all the single ladies.”