Bleaching the Jury Pool

The influx of the young and rich into Brooklyn is, according to the New York Post, “gentrifying” jury pools, making them more trustful of the police and less trustful of plaintiffs in civil suits.

“People who can afford to live in Brooklyn now don’t have the experience of police officers throwing them against cars and searching them. A person who just moves here from Wisconsin or Wyoming, they can’t relate to [that]. It doesn’t sound credible to them.”

“Bu-bu-but,” the young white man protests, “I’ve seen The Wire. Twice. Except for the second season which I don’t like all that much though I can’t quite put my finger on why, just something about the characters I guess? Anyway, I know what it’s like. I get it. Omar’s the best, right? What a character. But yeah, I empathize man.”