Do You Know Where Your Teens Are? (They're Swarming John Green)

Wow. Thank you for being awesome Cleveland!

— John Green (@realjohngreen) May 8, 2014

Your teens are following kindly, funny, sensitive and young-ish father-of-two YA author John Green like he was The Beatles, Madonna, Tiffany, Debbie Gibson and Justin Bieber all in one. Currently occupying four of the top seven slots on the Times Young Adult Best Sellers list (and the cover of the latest EW), the John Green situation is totally and completely out of control as he goes about doing pre-promotion for the Fault in our Stars film. One reason it’s wacky is because the John Greeniverse has no vampires, no witches, no ghosts, no werewolves, no school for teen magicians — it’s all just straight up feels. What’s even wackier, is the soon-to-be-blockbusting Fault In Our Stars doesn’t even open for another month and the insanity is already at full volume.

There’s something new and true in this whole YA author as rock star thing.

@realjohngreen trying to get a follow from ur favourite band member is hard but from your favourite author is harder

— ✖ P A Y N E ✖ (@teawithuriah) May 6, 2014