The Network Diaries

by Awl Sponsors

The short film above tells the story of a young couple: Matt, a production assistant from Los Angeles played by Ryan Hansen (Veronica Mars, Party Down) and Sophie, played by Zoe Lister-Jones (Whitney), a girl who shares Matt’s techie interests. Matt and Sophie are both dating other people when they first meet on a double date. Through a series of serendipitous, mobile occurrences, their relationship becomes a reality.

The film also stars Jon Heder (Napoleon Dynamite), and Megan Ferguson (Love And Other Drugs), and is based on a real, true story from one of The Mobile Movement’s favorite young Americans.

The Network Diaries is an original, short film series dedicated to celebrating the true mobile stories of young America that communicates the power and presence of the AT&T; network in our lives.

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