Intrepreneurial Disrupters Zig Towards Taco Innovation

Intrepreneurial Disrupters Zig Towards Taco Innovation

“Designed by an ‘intrepreneurial’ team of young Taco Bell executives in a ‘secret war room’ at the chain’s Irvine, Calif.-based headquarters, the new [fast-casual taco] concept is nothing like the mothership brand — except that tacos are on the menu…. The project has been led by Jeff Jenkins, Taco Bell senior brand manager and ‘resident disrupter,’ who is also leading the company’s mobile ordering initiative…. Deciding to ‘zig while everyone else zagged,’ the team decided to take ‘the best of American cuisine and put it into a taco,’ he said.”
— The only missing elements in the game of Bullshit Buzzword Bingo on display here are “immersive,” “founders” and “storytelling.” Also, if you have ever used any of these terms to describe anything you do with any degree of sincerity you are an utter fraud and everyone can barely wait for you to turn your back before they collapse into a puddle of laughter and disdain.