Are You A Roomgirl? Because Everyone's Dating Their Roommate Now

In which we discover things in our work chatroom.

A Man: My roomgirl works at [REDACTED] so just killing time before I go to an all-you-can-eat sushi place.

Choire: …so that’s what they’re calling it now.

Another Man: Wait. What’s a roomgirl, is that like a wife… or a Roomba.

A Man: Roommate-girlfriend, which is different than girlfriend you live with.

Choire: It’s all about Which Came First.

Another Man: Still confusedddd.

A Man: Right. So if you room with someone and make the mistake of marrying them they are forever a RoomPerson.

Another Man: Oh! I’m doing a similar thing: my now-girlfriend was a roommate first but we don’t live together anymore.

A Man: That’s the right thing to do. But I’m too lazy.

Emma: There are two roomgirl situations here??? Trendpiece.

Another Man: Roomgirl. I like it and can guarantee the wonderful person I’m dating will not like it.

Mike: Omg, Modern Love.

Emma: In Their Roommates, A Girlfriend

Choire: Wow. This roomgirl thing is real?

Another Man: I even know a third.

Another Man: Millennials Too Fucking Lazy to Find Significant Others Outside Their Own Apartments

A Man: That is correct.

Edith: “New Girl” lol.

Emma: “New Girl” is the original roomgirl.

Emma: Jeff Hooligan, 34, was having a hard time meeting women in his regular Clinton Hill haunts.

Mike: Cleaning the Bathroom, the Highest Form of Flattery

Choire: Roomgirls Of New York

A Man: One millennial dude, speaking under the condition of anonymity, cited ‘Skyrim-related emotional exhaustion.’

Another Man: “I just don’t really like leaving my apartment or meeting new people,” said one man, 28, who asked not to be identified because he is afraid of his roomgirl.

Choire: Exactly! It begins in literal laziness! Which I respect.

Another Man: You also get to skip the awful first couple months of dating.

Emma: Damn.

Another Man: Go right to watching TV on the couch and having uneventful sex. Just the way I like it.

Emma: In Their Lease, A Contract On Love

Choire: Knock Knock, Who’s… Oh Hello There

Mike: He Paid for Dinner, She Paid for the Utilities

A Man: Whoa how did you know that.

Choire: The Chore Wheel? Or the Score Wheel

Emma: In Prospect Heights, A Reason To Ditch The Tie On The Doorknob

Choire: Divided By Walls, They TK Bathroom TK Bedroom Something

Another Man: Once A Roommate, Now A Playmate

Choire: She Knows When You Are Sleeping, She Knows When You Are… Well, Everything

A Man: There should be a series of exclusive interviews with the unfortunate third roommate in these situations.

Mike: A Room With a Woo (sorry)

Another Man: A Bedroom Lies Empty, But Its Tenant Fulfilled

Choire: The best thing is, all these situations end happily! So no one can feel bad about it ever at any point!