2014: The Year Of The Unicorns?

Eeeeeee the great Montreal band The Unicorns, which recorded one perfect, perfectly weird album (2003’s Who Will Cut Our Hair When We’re Gone?), are mulling a reunion.

Penner told the Kreative Kontrol podcast that the band recently acquired back the master rights to their 2003 full-length Who Will Cut Our Hair When We’re Gone? and might reissue it. Penner said the band discussed the idea of remastering the album and “including some other recordings that never made it out.”

But, Penner added, “the important thing right now is that we might play some shows and maybe even record some new material while we’re at it. These are all maybes, which have been thrown out there a lot. I guess good practice is that you do what you say.”

The Unicorns’ one album is not streamable on Rdio or Spotify for some godforsaken reason, so if you want to get your Unicorns fix I guess you can open up your creaking old iTunes, which you haven’t updated for two years and 78 updates, or (lol) try to find your CD and a device which can play CDs. Or listen to Islands, the band that was sort of like mostly The Unicorns but not as weird but also pretty good. Anyway, here’s hoping they actually record some new stuff and that it’s good!