Remembering Mandela
“He famously said, ‘The struggle is my life,’ but his life was also a struggle. This man who loved children spent 27 years without holding a baby. Before he went to prison, he lived underground and was unable to be the father and the husband he wanted to be. I remember his telling me that when he was being pursued by thousands of police, he secretly went to tuck his son into bed. His son asked why he couldn’t be with him every night, and Mandela told him that millions of other South African children needed him too. So many people have said to me over the years, It’s amazing that he was not bitter. I’ve always smiled at that. With enormous self-control, he learned to hide his bitterness.”
— If you’re going to read just one thing about Nelson Mandela this may be the best bet. I mean, if you’re going to read just one thing about Nelson Mandela make it this, but that is probably not something you can do at your desk this morning, so just start off with the previous link and then think about working up to it.