Is Black Friday A Sham?
proof that we are easily manipulated by marketers into believing we are scoring some kind of deal, or further evidence that our corporate overlords have figured out the precise psychological subterfuge to — even when we know we are still being scammed by an illusion of savings — keep us pacified with a steady flow of consumer goods at “bargain” prices to the extent that we are disinclined to muster up the energy to shake off the shackles of our horrible cradle-to-grave existence of cheap consumption and soul-deadening desire for shiny, shoddy merchandise and demand real changes that would result in smaller profits for the four massive organizations that control everything but raise the living standards and emotional well-being of everyone else, most specifically the downtrodden masses who are currently shuffling along to the tomb while the quiet voice in the back of their head that tells them things could be better is constantly and deliberately drowned out by the promise of cut-rate electronics at rock-bottom prices? Eh, who knows.