Woman Who Used To Be Little Girl Does Sexy Dance, Says Sexy Thing

Lauer: Stunned

Quick question: How many times are we going to watch the transformation of a former child star into a twenty-something taking charge of her sexuality and wielding it publicly, in part so that she can remain relevant in an industry where such an action is mandatory for continued viability, before we stop pretending to be shocked and decide to pay attention to something else instead? Hahaha, just kidding, the answer is obviously “as many times as it happens,” because if we’re still doing it at this point even after every contortion Britney had to undulate her way through for our sins, it is pretty clear that we can’t stop. Anyway, the most important thing to take away from this is: “For the record, experts say people can continue to have sex far beyond middle age,” which might go a way toward explaining why stuff like this makes the front page of newspapers in the first place. Also, good morning.