The Long Scary Withered Arm Of Justice Won't Be "'Friended' On The Network"

Always instructive to find where you might agree with people with whom you disagree, and here’s that big Antonin Scalia interview which appears now for no reason:

“I’m nervous about our civic culture. I’m not sure the Internet is largely the cause of it. It’s certainly the cause of careless writing. People who get used to blurbing things on the Internet are never going to be good writers. And some things I don’t understand about it. For example, I don’t know why anyone would like to be ‘friended’ on the network. I mean, what kind of a narcissistic society is it that ­people want to put out there, This is my life, and this is what I did yesterday? I mean … good grief. Doesn’t that strike you as strange? I think it’s strange.”

Sure, although this is a guy who gets all his news from talk radio, the absolute cesspool of modern media, the last refuge of the inflammatory, untrue and insane, so, maybe the Internet is actually awesome.

Good news: the next Supreme Court docket “will feature an extraordinary series of cases on consequential constitutional issues, including campaign contributions, abortion rights, affirmative action, public prayer and presidential power.” Cower.