Silicon Valley Creeps East: The Jack Hidary For Mayor Crowd

So proud to be endorsed by @indietheaternyc (The League of Independent Theater). You can read the endorsement here:

— Jack Hidary (@jackhidary) September 25, 2013

We’ve been trying to ignore the fact that there is apparently another candidate for mayor, after de Blasio and that guy from the MTA, which is hilarious, since everyone at the MTA won’t even be voting for him because they hate him so much. It’s serial entrepreneur Jack Hidary! But he will not quite be ignored. I keep trying. This story, from a month ago, had him exclaiming “When I’m mayor, everyone gets a pair of Google Glasses!” Which… I don’t actually believe that campaign promise? (But can you imagine.)

Now here’s the Journal, quoting his backers, folks like Albert Wenger of Union Square Ventures and… Laurel Touby. About half of his financing has come “from two ZIP Codes along Ocean Parkway in southern Brooklyn” which makes for fun bedfellows between the Orthodox and the tech crowd! They probably have more in common than they think, actually. Anyway: no. Also we would suggest that such a campaign is actually the definition of a bad investment.