Metal Heals Itself

Did you miss the news about the metal that heals itself? Don’t worry, it’ll catch up with you eventually. (Hahahaha, get it? The joke is that at first you think I mean “the news about the metal that heals itself” will catch up with you eventually, but when you think more about it you realize that what I am saying is that “the metal that heals itself will after a certain point become a sentient being whose only mission is life is to crush humanity in its hungry metal jaws and no matter what you do, no matter whether you cower in a basement or make your stand in a burnt-out field in the post-apocalyptic hellhole Earth will soon be reduced to once the metal that heals itself gets its act together and starts hunting us down so that it can do all the crushing with the jaws and stuff, the metal that heals itself” will catch up with you, and then it is jaw-crushing time. So be careful out there.) Anyway, there’s video.