Are You Ready For Debate Night In New York City?

“R u editorializing, Juan Manuel?”: @deBlasioNYC when I ask abt his ‘skinny’ post-primary schedule. Mentions 2 unlisted Sunday church visits

— Juan Manuel Benítez (@JuanMaBenitez) October 14, 2013

It’s debate night! It’s a bit of down-home tomfoolery, when Bill de Tall-io has to come out and dance on the grave of Mayor Smaug and disregard the terrible gruesome presence of much-hated Republican contender Joe Lhota. All while being peppered with questions from random journalists! Including, we hope, the hot guy from NY1 Noticias.

Hey, you know who hates Joe Lhota? The staff of the MTA. Which he used to run. Funny story.

The Times has a sassy guide to the debate, which includes this advice for de Blasio on the left and Lhota on the right: