The Weeknd, "Live For"

One of the few luxuries of aging is the liberation one receives from the self-imposed obligation to have an opinion on the controversies of the current conversation. Which is to say, not only don’t I know whether Drake is good or bad, I don’t really give a shit what my ignorance on the subject says about my knowledge of the culture. Anyway, here’s the new video from The Weeknd, in which Drake features fairly prominently. I guess if I have an opinion on him one way or another it’s that he is mostly inoffensive here, and my bigger problem with the song itself is that it lacks the menace and air of impending danger that usually make The Weeknd so appealing. I still like the sound and I guess the chorus, but I miss the “uh oh, some bad shit is about to happen” vibe. Is that Drake’s fault? I don’t care and I don’t have to. It’s a good feeling.