Oh Boy, New Invention Heals Itself, What Could Go Wrong Etc.


“After slicing a tube of gelatinous material in half with a razor, researchers stick the two pieces back together again. After they’ve sat together for two hours at room temperature, the pieces are impossible to pull apart. The material, a new invention, has healed itself.”
— Years from now, when you and your family are running through the post-apocalyptic wasteland that our planet has become, you will be able to pause, during a brief respite fleeing from the self-regenerating mutant monsters that are hunting down the last remaining humans and sucking out their internal organs for sport, to tell everyone how you saw the things that are now attacking you when they were just tiny tubes in a lab. Then something will sneak up and grab you from behind and extrude your insides with one of its chemical tentacles before swallowing them whole. There’s a lot to look forward to.