Kvelertak, "Evig Vandrar"

You know your secret heart, the one you keep hidden away from the world, the one upon which the light never shines because to take it out and show it runs the risk of laughter or scorn or, worst of all, indifference? The one where you hold whatever sweetness you have left over from a life of learning to be hard, the place you put the fears you don’t want anyone else to see in hopes that maybe someday there’ll be someone in your life with whom you can share them, someone who will pull you close and stroke your hair and whisper softly that it will all be alright? We each have our own secret heart, as unique as a fingerprint, as fragile as a china doll, and when it sings it makes a slow, shy sound that asks only to be loved for what it is. Unless you’re me, in which case it goes like this. [Via]