Is New York's Streak Of Having Mayors Who Are Braying Wisenheimers, Precedent-Shattering Racial...

Is New York’s Streak Of Having Mayors Who Are Braying Wisenheimers, Precedent-Shattering Racial Firsts, Hard-Charging Crime-Busters Or Quietly Competent Entrepreneurs Elected In The Wake Of The National Disaster Of Sept. 11 About To End?

“For the first time since 1973, when Richard Nixon was president and [Abe] Beame won office on the ill-starred slogan ‘He knows the buck’ just as New York slouched toward fiscal disaster, the nation’s largest city is poised to have a mayor who is not a braying wisenheimer, not a precedent-shattering racial first, not a hard-charging crime-buster nor a quietly competent entrepreneur elected in the wake of the national disaster of Sept. 11 but a conventional, labor-loving urban liberal of the old school made new.”