Bloomberg Cronies Desperately Trolling To Recast The Bloomberg Era As "Progressive"

Oh, the Bloomberg army is on the defensive now, after the election, and after everyone declaring themselves fed up with Bloombergianism — and also with Bloomberg running around just being a straight up dick to everyone. So Kevin Sheekey is “putting some things out there” now. Kevin Sheekey, you may not know, is a Bloomberg lifer who was a Washington lobbyist for Bloomberg LP, worked on the election, oversaw the Republican convention here (that went fairly poorly — for residents, not for Republicans), did some time as a deputy mayor and then eventually went back to Bloomberg LP. Of course. Here’s what he’s on about — and it’s incredibly frustrating, because when you start distorting the record, trying to recast Bloomberg as the “real” progressive, you take away from us the ability to say “Yes, there are a lot of good things about New York City now!” Instead we have to say, wow, you’re full of it.

Oh, and how do I know he’s doing this? Because Sheekey bought a promoted Tweet to take his ideas to the people. If only Bloomberg had a media company.

Is the Progressive the retiring Mayor? Teen pregnancy rate fell 30% during Bloomberg’s term in office.

— Kevin Sheekey (@ksheekey) September 20, 2013

Enjoy your nationwide trend. In fact, New York City lagged behind in improvement the last few years; the national rate dropped 8% while New York City’s rate dropped 5%. WHY IS BLOOMBERG FAILING OUR TEENAGE GIRLS?

Is the Progressive the retiring Mayor? Since 2000 NYC has gone from 6th to 13th highest poverty rate among the 20 biggest US cities.

— Kevin Sheekey (@ksheekey) September 19, 2013

“The poverty rate rose to 21.2 percent in 2012, from 20.9 percent the year before, meaning that 1.7 million New Yorkers fell below the official federal poverty threshold. That increase was not statistically significant, but the rise from the 2010 rate of 20.1 percent was.”

— The New York Times yesterday. The national poverty rate is 15%.

Is the Progressive the retiring Mayor? Will successor create largest affordable housing plan in nation’s history?

— Kevin Sheekey (@ksheekey) September 18, 2013

The bullshit in this one is deep. Fortunately we’ve asked and answered this one at great length. Not only is there very little affordable housing being created (as opposed to preserved), there’s very little housing at all being created. So yeah: the plan is impressive! The execution is not (although you gotta give the Bloomberg administration a lot of credit for hammering away at trying to keep affordable housing, a thankless and expensive task).

Is the Progressive in NYC the retiring Mayor?

— Kevin Sheekey (@ksheekey) September 16, 2013

Yeah so that is a link to an article that is about how all schools should be charter schools basically and we should abandon public education, it’s kind of insane. I don’t even know what we’re supposed to say to that. “No”?

Fact: 22 of the top 25 public schools in NYS are now NYC schools — which boasted zero in the top 25 before Mayor Bloomberg. (New York Post)

— Kevin Sheekey (@ksheekey) September 16, 2013

That’s weird, no link? Here’s the link! Public schools… sort of! “16 of the schools have selective admission criteria — based on test scores, gifted and talented exams or other factors — while two are charter schools run independently of the district.”

Is the Progressive in NYC the retiring Mayor? (757,386 reasons and counting.)

— Kevin Sheekey (@ksheekey) September 17, 2013

The City has done a very good job planting trees! Even I, who complain about everything, cannot believe people are complaining about more trees.

This recasting of the Bloomberg era will be stronger and stronger here in the last few months. Be aware! If you see something, say something, preferably to the cop who has illegally stopped you and frisked you.

But seriously guys. It’s almost over. You can trash de Blasio next year! Now you’re in the homestretch. Just be chill, and everyone will thank you for your service. Oh and try to keep Bloomberg from being an asshole? If you’re concerned about “optics,” maybe start there!