Rough Month For School Hater Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush, education reformer (AKA charter school profiteer and destroyer of public schools), is finally getting into some hot water. How hot is “school choice” down in Jebland? Well, Pitbull is opening a charter school this week. The “I Know You Want Me” auteur has partnered with Academica and the school will focus on sports management. (I don’t know?) Academica is essentially a tax-free real estate conglomerate whose clients are schools. It’s brilliant really — and they make money, while 25% of other charter schools go out of business. Jeb Bush as well has been doing nicely, but finally he’s coming out on the downside — though only “optically.” (Barf.) But still it gave Jeb critics a chance to get a word in edgewise:

“The long sleep is now over,” said Kathleen Oropeza, of the Orlando-based parent group Fund Education Now. “People are starting to realize that Jeb and his reforms are not good for children and not good for schools. They are meant to privatize public education.”

Ta da.