"Don't Sleep With Mean People" Campaign Raises Questions

“Baba Brinkman, a ‘Canadian rap artist, writer, actor, and tree planter’ based in New York City is spearheading a jokey campaign with a serious point entitled “Don’t Sleep With Mean People.” The idea is exactly what it sounds like: Inspire people to intentionally avoid sleeping with jerks…. Brinkman hopes to do more than sexually frustrate mean people into changing their ways; he actually wants to prevent mean people from reproducing, which would change humanity for the better, he says…. But, some internet vigilantes aren’t too pleased. The idea has been attacked on all fronts: Isn’t this eugenics? Will the project actually teach people about evolution? Is there even scientific consensus that meanness is a genetic trait? [How are you going to get past the fact that mean people are fucking amazing in bed, like, the meaner they are the more orgasms you have and there’s plenty of Science to prove it? Mean people can make you come JUST BY BEING JERKS, and the bigger the jerk the longer release. What are you gonna do, not sleep with someone who is guaranteed to make you invoke the name of every major deity in the language of their first adherents just because they might not be super nice about your terrible choice of clothes? Did you ever notice that mean people happen to be really attractive? Why is that? It seems unfair that someone who is already great in bed and terrific to look at gets to be an asshole, but I guess I don’t make the rules?] Et cetera.”