Animal Collective, "Monkey Riches"

Animal Collective is another one of those bands that happened too late for me, i.e. after the point in my life when I was still able to process any new bands beyond the most superficial level of “oh, I like it” or “what is this shit?” It’s a terrible thing that will happen to you too one day, young people. You’re cruising along taking in every new experience and cataloging it in your mind and adding new information as it comes along and then suddenly, BAM, you’re full up and anything else that you want to remember you need to write down somewhere and refer back to. So anyway, Animal Collective is one of those bands for me. I think I get them confused with Grizzly Bear? One of them has a member named Andy Panda or something? I can’t keep track, and — here’s the worst part — I have stopped actually feeling bad about not being able to keep track anymore. But this song? Oh, I like it. [Via]