Still Hailing Satan

“The first people we meet are… a pair of pentagram-doodling teenage metalheads with big dreams for their still-unnamed two-man band…. They’re the stars of album opener ‘The Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton’ a song that, if not the definitive Mountain Goats song, at least deserves an undisputed mention in the top 5. This isn’t a statement you throw around lightly about a band this prolific, but ‘Denton’ feels like a dizzyingly succinct crash course in everything that makes the Mountain Goats great. In just two-and-a-half minutes, Darnielle pulls off three whiplashing tonal shifts…. It’s brilliantly structured and smartly crafted, but it wouldn’t be half as stirring if it were recorded with more polish. ‘Denton’ is an imperfectly sung ode to all the songs that don’t get sung because of the people who put into the singers’ heads that the only songs worth singing are the perfect ones.”
— Oh my God, guess what’s more than ten years old.