Manhattan Inside The Grand Canyon, But Not In A Sexual Way Or Anything

Have you ever wondered what Manhattan would look like inside the Grand Canyon? Of course you have. EVERYONE DOES. Stop anyone at random on the street and ask them what they are thinking about at that particular moment and they will look down at their feet and sheepishly admit that they were wondering what Manhattan would look like inside the Grand Canyon. It is said that if you were able to float through the dreams that trouble New Yorkers’ fitful slumber each night you would spend most of your time suspended in the air above a Manhattan dropped within the vast confines of the Grand Canyon. In fact, I can say to you with a good deal of confidence that only seconds before you started reading this link you were musing to yourself about how the Grand Canyon would appear if Manhattan were inside it, and if you tell me that you weren’t we both know that you’re a goddamn liar. Anyway, instead of wondering, why not take a look at these amazing images [which] show Manhattan inside of the Grand Canyon. It’s exactly how you pictured it, right?