A Single Footnote About Pringles And Memory From Michael Paterniti's "The Telling Room"

by Michael Paterniti

Michael Paterniti’s new book, The Telling Room: A Tale of Love, Betrayal, Revenge, and the World’s Greatest Piece of Cheese, is his first since 2001’s Driving Mr. Albert: A Trip Across America with Einstein’s Brain. It’s out next week, and is already available wherever you purchase books, be it Powells, Amazon, McNally Jackson, Barnes and Noble or a bookstore near you.

It’s about cheese! “A wild and amazing ride,” says George Saunders. “It made me want to move to Spain,” says Elizabeth Gilbert. (Hee.) And: maniacally fun and discursive, says The Awl. How so? Here is a single footnote from the book. Or, should we say: a single footnote with nested footnotes with nested footnotes? So great.