Dismembering Denny

Being naturally petty my initial reaction to news that “residents of a swanky downtown condo building have filed a lawsuit grand-slamming a plan to put a Denny’s restaurant in their building” was of the, “Suck it, rich people, we all have to live with the malling of Manhattan” variety, but on further reflection I decided that I don’t want a Denny’s in my city even if it does bring with it the benefit of upsetting a bunch of people who pay a million bucks for each bedroom. I suppose we’ll never have the revolution if aesthetic considerations trump class antagonisms, but that’s a concern I’m willing to put on hold while we live in a world where kids are starting to capitulate to the concept that 7-Elevens, no matter how much more sanitary, convenient and well-organized, are somehow suitable replacements for bodegas. It’s a complicated issue, I guess.