Bears Enumerated On Internet

The absolute WORST thing about the web is the way everyone is so determined to declare that they are being ripped off, that they had an idea first and their fashion is being masticated by someone else. It is also just as annoying when someone claims credit for a concept or format that has been around forever. You know the first person to do a list? God, whose CMS was stone tablets. You know where the original slideshow happened? On some cave wall in France. (This also counts as the first “animals doing wacky things” post.) There is absolutely nothing new, and it’s beyond ludicrous to try and assert ownership over something as amorphous and universal as an idea. So, keeping that in mind and directing you without comment, go here for what bills itself as “the definitive list of bears, from worst to best.” It’s all good.

Photo by svetara, via Shutterstock