The Park Slope Food Coop Board Of Directors Race Is On And It Is Hot!

There are two positions open on the board of the lovely Park Slope Food Coop, that magical place in Brooklyn where neighbor turns against neighbor regarding issues such as boycotting Israeli food and, oh, anything else. But! There are four candidates for the board! Which one will not make the cut!? Here are some excerpts from their statements, which were, the Coop’s Linewaiter’s Gazette notes, printed “unedited.” [PDF here.] Let’s meet them!

• “My personal life reflects my dedication to the values of the Coop. As an avid bicyclist, commuting 30 miles a day year round, to and from my office in Queens, and as someone who loves to cook and bake, I too cherish the availability and taste of excellent food.”

• “I started going to the General Meetings about 11 years ago. Initially, I went for work slot credit and was surprised to discover that the meeting was small compared to the vast size of our membership and that the diversity which I saw while shopping at the Coop was not powerfully reflected in the meeting. I thought to myself, ‘Here is the decision-making body of the Coop and only a few members are making these decisions and even fewer people of color.’”

• “People I meet on my travels often ask me where in the world I would most like to live, since I have been fortunate enough to see so much of it. I can answer honestly in one word: Brooklyn.”

• “In my judgement what is needed for the Board of Director position is to interact with those in attendance at the meeting such the membership is able to draw the appropriate conclusions for themselves as to if it is wise to offer specific advice for acceptance. Should the membership choose to offer the advice much to the silent objection of the Board of Director, in knowing myself and the Coop, could I comment or ask a question to create an awareness that would have not otherwise occurred?”

Yes! Congratulations to three of the candidates, who are largely coherent. We hereby endorse Imani Q’ryn, who made the excellent point about lack of people of color in leadership roles, and also whichever one of the white ladies who makes sense. Maybe not the one who bikes 30 miles a day either, that seems nuts. Elections will take place at the general meeting June 25, 2013. SEE YOU THERE.