Oh Boy, 'Silver Spoons' Reunion

Young people, you know how your elders are always trying to convince you that aging isn’t as terrible as you think because the passage of time provides you with a certain caliber of wisdom otherwise unavailable to those who have not accumulated the years of experience required of which to collect it? Don’t believe them, it’s a lot of bullshit. I mean, yes, you do develop a degree of discernment and detachment, but what nobody tells you is that just because you finally realize that things don’t matter doesn’t mean that they don’t still hurt. Understanding that there are certain dreams it is almost certainly too late for you to achieve does indeed provide a paltry amount of relief, in the sense that there’s not much point in wanting or struggling or worrying about those things anymore, but that small cessation of angst is more than offset by the realization that not only is the door finally closed on your unattainable desires but soon enough it will shut on the more manageable ones as well, and eventually everything you’ve gone through, be it triumph or tragedy, will count for nothing, and every tear you’ve cried in sorrow or laugh you’ve bellowed in joy are completely worthless regardless of how important they felt at the time. Also? You will constantly be reminded that the things you first experienced as a child are old and getting older, just like you. That may be the worst part. Stay young, kids, it’s not going to get any better than it is right now.